
Lady-Comp - a fertility tracker with tradition

As early as 1983, Dr. Hubertus Rechberg recognized the potential and possibilities of "natural family planning (NFP)" and wanted to make this option available to all women, not only to a small fringe group. Together with experts from the fields of medicine, IT, and design, he developed a fertility tracker that combined a thermosensor and software, thus setting the basis for the smart NFP we know today under the term "FemTech". 

More than 35 years have passed since this vision arose. Valley Electronics’ fertility trackers have successfully evaluated over 10 million cycles of more than 500,000 women - with the current Lady-Comp now the 6th generation of fertility trackers available. Due to this experience of the past decades and several scientific studies, it is possible to provide exceptionally accurate information about your cycle. 

This is how the algorithm behind the Lady-Comp works

The Fertility Tracker Method (FTM) is based, in part, on the Calculothermal Method and consists of a combination of three elements:

  • The recording and learning of new data (the daily basal temperature, the beginning and end of menstruation, as well as the collected historical cycle data) by a fertility tracker. 
  • The statistically significant evaluation of the post-ovulation temperature rise, with current and historical data from the database, by an algorithm adapted to the female cycle. 
  • The avoidance of human input and interpretation errors through the combination of hardware (the sensor) and software (the algorithm) in one device (the fertility tracker).

After a learning phase in which Lady-Comp gets to know your unique cycle, the algorithm starts to narrow down your ovulation even more precisely and sets your fertility window to 5 days before the earliest possible date of your ovulation. In order for the algorithm to determine a temperature rise, a sustained characteristic temperature rise after the expected date of ovulation is required. If the algorithm has detected your ovulation by the characteristic rise in basal temperature, it will calculate non-fertile (green) days individually until the next menstruation. At the end of each cycle, the algorithm re-evaluates its predictions from the perspective of the entire previous menstrual cycle. This secondary analysis allows the algorithm to fine-tune the precision of its predictions more and more.

Verified accuracy 

The accuracy of the algorithm used by Lady-Comp was systematically tested as part of a research study; for the study, 107,000 cycles of 5,328 women from Germany and Switzerland were evaluated over a period of ten years. The independently verified result confirms that the algorithm is highly accurate.

You can find more information here:

Study "The performance of a fertility tracking device"

It all comes down to a few degrees

Lady-Comp uses a very sensitive sensor to measure basal body temperature. The unique feature of this sensor is that it waits until the final average temperature has been measured (see figure). It can take about 60 seconds for the Lady-Comp to record your individual temperature. The sensor warms up until it reaches the final temperature value and only then is this value stored. Commercial thermometers have a fast measurement speed because they extrapolate the rising curve, and the final temperature value is estimated.

The Lady-Comp waits until the final temperature value has stabilized to obtain a reliable result. If the temperature drops again (for example, due to breathing, which allows cold air to enter the mouth during measurement), this value is not taken until it rises again and stabilizes. This method ensures a temperature measurement that is as precise as possible.

In a field study in collaboration with the University of Sassari / Italy, it was tested on the basis of 30 cycles whether it is possible to determine ovulation on the basis of the basal body temperature. Different clinical methods of measurement were compared: ultrasound, testing of luteinizing hormone (LH) in the urine and testing the level of progesterone in the blood. Of the 30 cycles evaluated, 26 cycles (86%) ovulated and 4 cycles failed to ovulate; 3 of the 26 cycles showed LH deficiency. In comparison, of the BabyComp data evaluated, 24 cases (80%) were ovulatory, 4 were not ovulatory, and 2 were not interpreted. 3 showed LH deficiency.

Other features include:

  • The prognosis of ovulation up to 6 days in advance - perfect for planning.
  • Recording and documentation of ovulation which is narrowed down by incorporating data from previous cycles. 
  • You can indicate when you had sexual intercourse in the planning phase when TTC. Lady-Comp directly evaluates in how many cycles this actually took place during the fertile phase.
  • If there is an insufficiency of the corpus luteum or if ovulation does not occur, Lady-Comp will indicate this; this is important information if you are having trouble conceiving.
  • The Lady-Comp shows you within 4-5 days if a possible pregnancy is suspected.
  • A probable pregnancy is indicated from the 18th day after successful fertilization.
  • The Lady-Comp knows the date of conception and can therefore very accurately calculate the expected due date and show your week of pregnancy.


Lady-Comp accuracy and quality 

We aim for very high standards - this is why we are continuously working on optimizing all of our products and adapting them to the needs of our users. Lady-Comp has been 510k cleared by the FDA.

During the use of Lady-Comp in everyday life, the needs and wishes of users change from time to time, so we always try to find the best possible solution for our users. In order to design and develop a world-class product, we pay as much attention to the little things as to the big things. In the future, too, we will spare neither effort nor expense to ensure that you are always satisfied with your Lady-Comp! Our mission is maximum accuracy and quality for you!