
Fertility: prerequisite for new life

Determine your fertility and fulfill your desire to have children

You wish to finally get pregnant, but doubt your fertility? We show you what fertility actually means and how you can quickly and easily determine your fertility status. With this knowledge and the right timing, you can significantly increase your chances of getting pregnant!

Fertility overview

Fertility in the course of life

Fertility is the ability of women and men to conceive new life. Fertility in women begins at puberty and ends at menopause, i.e. around the age of 45 to 55. On average, women are no longer fertile at age 50. Women are most fertile between the ages of 20 and 25. This means that fertility and the probability of a quick pregnancy are highest during this period. 10 years later, i.e. in their early to mid-30s, fertility is already only half as high. Since more and more women are putting their family planning on the back burner and concentrating on their professional future first, knowledge of current fertility can be very helpful in still getting pregnant quickly.

In men, fertility also begins at puberty and declines throughout life. Recent studies suggest that as men age, not only are they less able to conceive, but the risk of disease in the child also increases. Therefore, it is advisable for both women and men not to wait too long to have children.

When is a woman fertile within the cycle?

In addition to fertility throughout life, you are probably most interested in your current fertility. That is, the answer to the question of when you can become pregnant during your cycle. You probably already know that the day of ovulation is the time of highest fertility. Once the egg has "jumped" from the ovary into the fallopian tube, it can be fertilized within a maximum time window of 18 hours. If this does not happen, it dies and dissolves. So if you have unprotected sex on the day you ovulate, there is a high chance that you will get pregnant.

However, you can also get pregnant up to 5 days before that. This is due to the fact that sperm are able to wait for 3-5 days in your fallopian tubes for the egg. This gives you a maximum of 6 days per cycle to get pregnant.

If you have a rather regular cycle and know when you ovulate, you can narrow down your fertile phases yourself with a little practice. However, only very few women have a truly regular cycle. In particular, the time from the first day of your period to ovulation varies greatly from woman to woman and often from cycle to cycle. It can be from a few days to several weeks long. This makes it much more difficult to use the fertile phases to get pregnant.

Female fertility at a glance:

  •     Fertility begins with puberty
  •     Highest fertility at 20-25 years
  •     Fertility only half as high at about 35 years of age
  •     End of fertility at menopause
  •     Limited reservoir of eggs available
  •     One ovulation per month with usually one mature egg cell
  •     Oocyte can be fertilized for max. 18 hours
  •     Length of the first cycle phase varies greatly from individual to individual
  •     Ovulation is difficult to determine precisely without aids

Calculating fertility using the NFP method

To calculate your fertile and infertile phases you can use the so-called NFP method. NFP stands for Natural Family Planning. With the NFP method, you measure your basal body temperature rectally or vaginally for 2-3 minutes every morning. The measurement must be taken while you are lying down, before you get up for the first time, and if possible always at the same time. For the measurement you need a very accurate thermometer that can show you the result to two decimal places.

The measured values are then plotted on a temperature curve. In addition to the temperature measurement, you need a second body signal to be able to determine ovulation as accurately as possible. The change in cervical mucus is usually used for this purpose. Alternatively, you can also measure the hormone increase in the morning urine with ovulation sticks. All collected data is carefully recorded and evaluated according to fixed rules. If you have a very regular cycle, you will get a good overview of your cycle after a short time and you will be able to roughly define your fertile phases. Your ovulation can even be determined relatively accurately with this method.

The disadvantage of this method is that it takes a considerable amount of time. The daily measurement, logging and evaluation can be very annoying in the long run and requires a high degree of self-discipline - even in the early morning!

If you want to learn more about yourself and your body and determine your fertility without spending a lot of time, our cycle computers are just right for you!

Calculate your current fertility

The more important it is to you that you get pregnant quickly, the more precisely you should deal with your fertility. Only if you know your fertile phases exactly, you can use them optimally to get pregnant. Knowing your current fertility is the key to success!

Since the manual calculation of your fertility is very time-consuming and error-prone, we have developed our cycle computers Lady-Comp and Pearly. Both are very easy, time-saving and safe to use and show you every morning before you get up in a few moments whether you are fertile on the current day or not.

The basis for the fast and accurate calculation of your current fertility is the change in your basal body temperature. This "internal body temperature at rest" changes in the course of your cycle. Shortly before ovulation, it rises by a few tenths of a degree Celsius and remains at this elevated level until about the onset of your next period. Our cycle computers have a highly sensitive measuring tip and a unique algorithm that has been proven over decades and allows you to determine your current fertility with a very high degree of accuracy based only on your morning basal body temperature measurement.


The new Lady-Comp
CHF 549.00

The intelligent fertility tracker shows you your daily fertility status and informative details about your cycle.


Calculate fertile days: fast, easy and accurate

With our cycle computers you always have your current fertility status in view. With just one short measurement a day, you get a lot of information about your fertility and your cycle. Learn more about your fertility history, get a forecast of your next ovulation and benefit from the practical fertility preview. With Lady-Comp and Pearly you can make the most of your fertile phases to get pregnant as quickly as possible. Both cycle computers have the function "6 days fertility preview" with which you can see at an early stage when your next fertile phase will begin. This makes it easy for you to plan time for undisturbed togetherness on the important days, even if you have a rather stressful everyday life.

Advantages of Lady-Comp and Pearly at a glance:

  •     Very high accuracy
  •     Fast measurement in only 60 seconds
  •     Comfortable measurement under the tongue
  •     Display of your fertility for the current day
  •     Display of measured value and cycle day
  •     Prognosis of ovulation
  •     6 days fertility forecast
  •     Additional function: alarm clock
  •     Many other cycle data and analyses can be viewed directly (Lady-Comp only)

Want to have a baby? Timing is everything!

Good timing is the be-all and end-all for the rapid occurrence of a pregnancy. Only with sex on your fertile days is there any possibility of fertilization and subsequent implantation. The right timing is also particularly important if your partner's sperm are not viable as quickly or for as long. With age, a decrease in fertility is also common in men. However, this does not mean that things cannot work out quickly. With the right timing and sex just before and on the day of ovulation, you have a very good chance of getting pregnant quickly - even if his swimmers aren't quite as active.

Irregular cycle? Lady-Comp helps!

You have a very irregular cycle? Then Lady-Comp can help you regain more confidence in dealing with your fertility. Lady-Comp not only shows you when you are fertile, but also gives you a lot of interesting information about your menstrual cycle. Find out more about the length of your cycle, the temperature rise in the peak period, the fluctuation range of your ovulation in days or the number of monophase cycles. If you have been trying to get pregnant for a long time, this data can help your gynecologist to narrow down the causes. In addition, you have the option to make personal entries and, for example, to enter sexual intercourse. This gives you a good overview in retrospect of how well you have actually been able to use your fertile phase recently.

Influence fertility - this is how!

Fertility is to a large extent dependent on our genes - but not only! Our diet, lifestyle habits and also environmental toxins can have a significant impact on fertility. This is true for you as well as for your partner.

For example, prolonged severe stress can cause your uterine lining not to build up enough or your ovulation to fail. How many sperm make it to the fallopian tube in time and how long they can wait for the egg depends on the quality, speed and viability of the sperm. Poor diet, little exercise and an unhealthy lifestyle can all contribute to the quality of sperm being greatly reduced.

The good thing is that you can control many factors that affect your or your partner's fertility. For example, if you have been smoking, your desire to have children may be the perfect opportunity to stop.

Toxins can reduce your fertility

If you smoke, you are probably aware that this can significantly reduce your fertility. The toxins in cigarette smoke reduce blood flow to your body and uterus. The poorer blood circulation reduces the oxygen supply, which in turn can lead to the fact that not all body functions work perfectly. Especially if you are over 35 years old, you should try to stop smoking for the sake of your fertility. Of course, the same applies to your partner: smoking can significantly impair the motility of sperm and lead to poorer fertility in men.

Besides cigarettes, alcohol is a stimulant that, when consumed in excess, can also reduce fertility. There is probably nothing wrong with a single glass of wine at the weekend. However, if alcohol is part of your daily evening ritual, it would be advisable to critically rethink your habits. Not only because alcohol can cause considerable damage to the unborn child, especially in early pregnancy, but also because "getting pregnant" can become much more difficult with regular alcohol consumption.

Surely you already know that besides alcohol and nicotine, all other drugs are not beneficial to your fertility. If you cannot manage to avoid these substances on your own, we advise you to get help. Do it with your desired baby in mind, then it will certainly be a little easier for you.

10 tips to improve your fertility

Besides the things you should avoid, there are additional things you can do for good fertility. We have put together 10 tips for you and your partner on how you can positively influence your fertility:

  •     No cigarettes, no drugs, little alcohol.
  •     Make sure you get regular and restful sleep
  •     Eat a balanced diet with plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables
  •     Reduce stress and ensure regular relaxation
  •     Regular exercise, preferably in the fresh air
  •     Avoid being heavily overweight or underweight
  •     Do not drink more than 2-3 cups of coffee a day
  •     After consulting your doctor: folic acid, vitamin D, iron
  •     L-arginine is said to improve male fertility
  •     Laugh a lot and enjoy undisturbed togetherness!

Your body, your fertility, your decision

With our cycle computers Lady-Compund Pearly you not only have an overview of your current fertility at all times, but you can also plan a pregnancy in a completely natural way. Because the knowledge about your fertile phases gives you the possibility to plan your life free of artificial hormones and to enjoy your natural femininity. Even between two pregnancies, Lady-Compund Pearly is ideal for monitoring your cycle and planning your family accordingly.  

Learn more about the many benefits of Lady-Comp and Pearly now and enjoy 100% Natural Family Planning!

The new Lady-Comp
CHF 549.00

The intelligent fertility tracker shows you your daily fertility status and informative details about your cycle.