Calculate fertile days

Calculate fertile days - easy and fast

Learn about your cycle and determine your fertility!

You want to know exactly when you are fertile? You want a baby and want to get pregnant as soon as possible? We show you how it works! Discover the advantages of Natural Family Planning and find out how Lady-Comp and Pearly can support you in your planning!

Content overview on the topic of "calculating fertile days

  •     Determining fertile days with a cycle computer
  •     Determining fertile days manually
  •     Determining fertile days with an irregular cycle
  •     Calculating fertile days to fulfill your desire to have a child

Calculate fertile days - uncomplicated and reliable

If your partner and you are thinking about family planning and want a baby, you can easily help chance by knowing when your fertile days occur. If you have sexual intercourse on these days, the chance that you will become pregnant increases. Now, of course, you could observe the processes and changes in your body yourself, make notes and calculate fertile days this way. However, this method is relatively uncertain and requires a great deal of experience.

A fertility computer such as Lady-Comp or Pearly, which shows you in seconds when you are fertile, works much better. By the way, this is also practical if you are not yet ready for a child.

How to calculate your fertile days with a fertility computer

Calculating fertile days with a fertility computer is very easy and takes only a few seconds. To do this, you measure your body temperature using a sensor under your tongue. This is not unpleasant and is very fast. The rest is done for you by the fertility computer, which relies on a sophisticated algorithm.

Important: A measurement should be taken every morning before getting up. The reason for this is that Lady-Comp and Pearly need the so-called basal body temperature for their calculations. This is the basic body temperature that you have exactly when you are not physically exerting yourself. If you measure your temperature in bed, you are still rested.

A reliable and simple method

Based on the measured basal body temperature, the computer can calculate whether you are currently fertile. This is based on a slight increase in your temperature, which occurs when you start ovulating. When your period starts, your body temperature returns to its normal level. If Lady-Comp now indicates that you are fertile, you should have sexual intercourse with your partner on these days - if you want to become pregnant. Lady-Comp and Pearly are very accurate and reliable. However, it is important that you measure your values regularly. This is especially advisable in the case of particularly irregular cycles, which the fertility computer still has to get to know.  

The new Lady-Comp
CHF 549.00

The intelligent fertility tracker shows you your daily fertility status and informative details about your cycle.

Calculate fertile days - easy reading without prior knowledge

Once you have taken your basal body temperature with Lady-Comp or Pearly, the cycle computer will calculate your fertile days and show you whether you are currently in the middle of these days or whether they are just beginning. You don't need any prior knowledge to read which phase of your cycle you are in, you don't have to calculate anything and you don't have to evaluate anything. The fertility computer simply shows you by means of colors what is going on in your body:

  •     When are you fertile?

If the display is red, you know that you are fertile/possibly fertile and can get pregnant. In this case, red means that sex with your boyfriend or husband can lead to pregnancy. So if you want to have a baby, you should have sex with your partner within these days.

  •     When are you not fertile?

A green light means that you are not fertile. If you have sex, you will most likely not get pregnant.

By the way: It can happen that Lady-Comp or Pearly show you a yellow display. This means that it is not possible to say exactly whether you are in your fertile days. This is usually the case if your cycle is very irregular or you have paused with the measurement for a long time. The computer must then first adjust to you and get to know your cycles. Yellow means potentially fertile.

With the fertility computer you can not only find out whether you are currently fertile. Lady-Comp makes it possible to track your fertile days, because it stores your data for 180 days. And: You have the possibility to display your fertility six days in advance and include this in your planning.

Calculate fertile days without fertility calculator

Calculating fertile days is theoretically possible without a fertility calculator. To know when your fertile days begin, you can of course measure your basal body temperature yourself and then note it down. However, this is not as easy as it may sound at first glance. First of all, you need a particularly accurate thermometer that shows your temperature to two decimal places. A conventional clinical thermometer will not help you here, because a precise measurement is necessary.

Also, make sure to take your temperature at the same time every day and always before getting up, so that it is not distorted. Always plan a few minutes for the daily measurement and do not take it when you are hectic in the morning, for example, because you overslept and have to hurry. It is important that you take your temperature every day to two decimal places. In addition, you should observe your cervical mucus, which can change consistency and color during the fertile days. This requires a lot of experience and a good knowledge of your own body, otherwise it can be very difficult to notice changes. To further support your observations, you can also palpate your cervix, but again, without experience this is not easy and can quickly lead to mistakes or even become uncomfortable.

Another way to calculate fertile days is to examine your hormone balance. For this you need certain test strips, which you hold in your urine. A fertility calculator is much less complicated, more accurate and more professional, making it the perfect partner for your pregnancy planning.

Checklist for the manual calculation of fertile days

Here we list all the points you need to consider if you want to determine your fertile days manually:

  •     Purchase of a special thermometer with precise temperature display with at least two digits after the decimal point.
  •     Daily measurement of basal body temperature at the same time (before getting up)
  •     Write down the readings
  •     Regular observation of the cervical mucus
  •     Note consistency and color of cervical mucus
  •     Palpation of the cervix
  •     Purchase of hormone test strips
  •     Measurement of hormone balance in urine
  •     Recording the values
  •     Evaluating the results

On the other hand, when calculating fertile days by means of fertility calculator, only the following point is relevant:

  •     Daily measurement of basal body temperature by means of fertility computer after waking up.

So if you want to determine your fertile days reliably and accurately, a fertility calculator like Lady-Comp and Pearly is advisable. This way you not only save a lot of time, but you can also be sure that there are no measurement or calculation errors.

Calculate fertile days with irregular cycle

Many women have an irregular cycle. The fertile days therefore do not always occur reliably at the same time. Calculating fertile days with an irregular cycle is therefore not always straightforward. If you have a fluctuating cycle, it is difficult to know when the next fertile days will occur and it is therefore best to leave this to a fertility computer. Calculating fertile days with an irregular cycle is therefore completely unproblematic. Since Lady-Comp and Pearly take into account the data of about five million female cycles and are based on years of scientific research, they are able to reliably show you your fertile days even if you have an irregular cycle.

Note: If your cycle is subject to particularly strong fluctuations, the small computers usually need empirical values that relate to your very individual cycles. This is the case, for example, if your cycle lasts 18 days and 60 days at other times. Over time, the fertility calculator gets to know you much better and shows you your fertile days reliably and safely. However, such a large fluctuation between two cycles occurs only in very few women.

If you use the computer for the first time and it shows a yellow light, over time the yellow light will appear less and less.

Calculating fertile days with fertility computer - the advantages

Calculating fertile days with fertility computer is much less complicated than the method of self-observation. All you need to do is to take your temperature under your tongue. This takes only 60 seconds and is done by a precise sensor. Afterwards, the fertility calculator will show you whether you are fertile or not. Further information is not necessary. The fertility calculator saves your values and you do not have to write them down yourself. The precise measurement of the temperature also makes a conventional thermometer superfluous. The consistency of your cervical mucus is also irrelevant. In addition, the computer does not need any data about the hormone balance in your body.

Advantages of our fertility computers at a glance:

  •     Very high accuracy
  •     Fast measurement in only about 60 seconds
  •     Morning time window of 6 hours (+3/-3)
  •     Fertility display, cycle day and measured value
  •     6-day forecast and ovulation forecast
  •     No taking notes, drawing curves and evaluating
  •     Comfortable measurement under the tongue while lying down
  •     Comprehensive information about your cycle

Lady-Comp and Pearly: time-saving and flexible

Another advantage: While you have to take a manual measurement continuously at the same time, Lady-Comp and Pearly have a measurement tolerance of around six hours. This means that if you want to sleep in on the weekend, you can still take your temperature later. This is also practical if you are on vacation and there is a large time difference or if you work in shifts and do not get up at the same time every day. The only important thing is that you have slept for about four to five hours at a time before the measurement, so that you are fully rested and your body temperature is at a normal level.

Also, do not worry if you forget to take the measurement. The fertility calculator is designed to compensate for one or two missing measurements. The computer is also very small, light and handy and can be taken anywhere. So you never have to do without it. Since it runs on batteries, it does not require a power outlet, which makes its use even more flexible. Moreover, measuring with a fertility computer is not only less complicated, but also saves a lot of time every day that you could spend trying to get pregnant, for example.

Calculating fertile days - important for your family planning

If you want to get pregnant, it is helpful to know when your fertile days start. You can calculate fertile days quickly and easily with a fertility calculator - and you'll know whether it's time for sexual intercourse with your partner. But when is a woman fertile?

Every month, an egg cell gets ready to receive a sperm - ovulation begins. The egg itself can be fertilized for about six to 18 hours. However, this does not mean that you can only get pregnant on that one day. Since sperm survive in the female body for up to five days, you are already fertile five days before you ovulate and can become pregnant if you have sex with your partner during this period. This gives you a total of six fertile days that you can use for family planning.

Calculate fertile days and get to know your body better

You don't have a partner right now? Then it is also a good idea to determine when your fertile days begin. In this way you will get to know your body much better and you will always know exactly in which phase of your cycle you are at the moment. If you have a very irregular cycle, you can also calculate in this way when your next period will occur. In addition, you know on which days you might not be in such a good mood and when you should expect PMS symptoms.

This is especially recommended for young women who do not yet have much experience with the processes in their body. Lady-Comp and Pearly are suitable for every age group. However, it is always important to perform the measurements regularly and conscientiously so that the results are not falsified.

The new Lady-Comp
CHF 549.00

The intelligent fertility tracker shows you your daily fertility status and informative details about your cycle.