Calculate ovulation

Easily calculate your ovulation

Find out how Lady-Comp and Pearly can support you!

If you wish to become pregnant, you can of course leave everything to chance. But if you don't want to miss any opportunity to start a family, you should calculate your ovulation with the help of a fertility computer such as Lady-Comp or Pearly to know exactly when there is a chance that you will be a mother in a few months and when it will not work out with the desire for a child. Calculating your ovulation with a fertility monitor is very simple and takes only a few seconds. You still want to take your time with a baby? Then use the cycle monitor as a natural and uncomplicated method to determine on which days you are fertile and on which days you are not.

Content overview on the topic of calculating ovulation

How to calculate your ovulation

Every woman's cycle is very complex and numerous processes and changes take place in the body - depending on which phase of her cycle she is currently in. So in order to calculate ovulation and estimate when she can get pregnant, these changes need to be observed and recorded. However, the ovulation calculator only needs the value of your so-called basal body temperature. In order for Lady-Comp and Pearly to calculate your ovulation, they measure the change in your basal body temperature. This is the body temperature that your body shows when you are at rest.

If you move a lot and exert yourself a lot - for example during sporting challenges - your body temperature can fluctuate and it is no longer your actual basal body temperature. When you start ovulating, this temperature rises a little. The value only changes by a few tenths, which is why this change can hardly be recorded with a conventional clinical thermometer. With the onset of your menstruation, your body temperature then returns to its usual level. Thus, both a high and a low phase take place during your cycle.

The fertility monitor works reliably

By measuring your current temperature, Lady-Comp and Pearl yD can calculate your ovulation with a very high accuracy. Additional changes - such as the consistency and color of your cervical mucus or the number of certain hormones - do not need to be taken into account, as only a temperature reading is sufficient. If you have an irregular cycle, this is a good alternative to simply observing your own body processes, which can always lead to misjudgements and mistakes. Important: Always use your cycle monitor in the morning before getting up, when you have not yet exerted yourself and your body is completely calm.

The values displayed are very accurate and reliable. So with the help of Lady-Comp and Pearly you may soon be able to hold a baby in your arms. Small but practical side effect: By knowing when you are fertile and when you are not and when exactly your ovulation actually starts, you also learn a lot about your body and know what is going on inside it while it is going through the cycle. The display of your cycle monitor is very easy to understand. It shows you in a very uncomplicated way whether you are currently fertile or infertile and on which day your ovulation starts. You don't need any medical know-how or background knowledge here.

The new Lady-Comp
CHF 549.00

The intelligent fertility tracker shows you your daily fertility status and informative details about your cycle.


Calculate ovulation for pregnancy planning

If you have not yet dealt with pregnancy planning and the processes in your body, you may wonder why the ovulation calculation plays such a big role. The answer is very simple: You can only get pregnant on the day you ovulate. An egg can be fertilized for about six to 18 hours. However, sperm cells are capable of fertilization for five days, which means that five days can pass between the day of your sexual intercourse and the day of actual fertilization. This means that you are also fertile on these five days.

This fact is taken into account by your ovulation calculator and therefore also plays a role in your pregnancy planning. If you have sexual intercourse with your partner on these five days - or directly on the day of your ovulation - the probability of getting pregnant increases. If you don't want a baby yet, you should therefore take precautions on these days.

For whom ovulation calculation with fertility monitor is useful

You can start using a fertility monitor anytime you want to calculate your ovulation. There are few restrictions regarding your age or the regularity of your cycle. So you can always switch to the cycle monitor and find out when you can expect your next ovulation - no matter if you are just interested in the processes in your body, want to get pregnant or see Lady-Comp and Pearly as a natural way to avoid getting pregnant.


Calculate ovulation with irregular cycle

Many women have a very irregular cycle, which makes it much more difficult for them to calculate ovulation. This, of course, also makes child planning anything but easy. If you are one of these women, a cycle monitor can be a useful help for you and bring you a big step closer to your dream of having a family. Due to a reliable algorithm and a sophisticated system, which refers to numerous values of millions of cycles, it is even possible to consider very irregular cycles. In addition, Lady-Comp and Pearly get to know you and your cycle better and better over time. If your cycle is particularly irregular - for example with a fluctuation of 18 to 60 days, it can be difficult to calculate your ovulation correctly despite the cycle monitor. However, such a fluctuation is relatively rare and therefore only affects a few women.

Uncomplicated, fast and reliable

Since the ovulation calculator only measures your temperature, it can tell you with a high degree of probability when your ovulation will start and thus when your fertile days will occur. And calculating ovulation only takes a moment. You measure the temperature under your tongue and after about a minute you will get the result. This way you can calculate your ovulation without much effort and stress. You don't even have to note down the displayed values yourself. Your cycle monitor will do all that for you.

Calculate ovulation without cycle monitor

The alternative to calculating ovulation with a fertility monitor is a calculation in which you concentrate entirely on yourself and the changes in your body and virtually observe them yourself. With this method you should be very precise and concentrated, so that nothing goes wrong. For this you need a thermometer that measures particularly accurately and on which you can read your body temperature up to two digits after the decimal point. Since conventional clinical thermometers do not do this, it is necessary that you use another thermometer, otherwise the ovulation calculation will be too inaccurate. Now you take the thermometer every morning and should plan about two to three minutes for the measurement. In any case, the measurement should always take place BEFORE getting up. To find out your exact temperature, it is best to insert your thermometer either vaginally or rectally. Be sure to keep to the measurement time so that you get an accurate result!

Observe the processes in your body

The temperature you read every day is then entered into a temperature curve, which gives you an overview of the changes in your basal body temperature. Therefore, it is important that you do not miss any day and that you really take your temperature consistently at the same time. Only in this way can you compare how your basal body temperature changes and draw conclusions about your ovulation. But that is not all. You can only calculate your ovulation reliably if you also observe the quantity and consistency of your cervical mucus and also record it in writing. If you notice that your cervical mucus has changed, this can be a clear sign that ovulation is imminent.

Calculating ovulation with a cycle monitor - the advantages

You see: If you want to calculate your ovulation without using a fertility monitor, you need a lot of patience and experience. It is not easy to really judge how much the color and consistency of your cervical mucus changes. It also takes a lot of discipline to actually take your temperature at the same time every day and sometimes there is a risk of forgetting to do so. This can quickly falsify your temperature curve. To get an accurate result, you always have to wait two to three minutes. Especially if you are in a hurry in the morning and need to get to work quickly, this is a big disadvantage.

The Lady-Comp and Pearly cycle monitors calculate your ovulation by placing their measuring tip under your tongue for about 60 seconds. Your basal body temperature is determined quickly and they are more reliable than conventional thermometers. This way you will know quickly and very reliably when you are ovulating and when you can try to get pregnant.

Calculate your ovulation even with irregular daily routine

Especially if you have an irregular daily routine and do not always get up at the same time - for example, because you work in shifts or you are in a country with a large time difference, it is a disadvantage if you calculate ovulation yourself. After all, the measurement must take place at the same time every day. Here again, the monitor has a clear advantage: it offers a measurement tolerance of six hours. So you can calculate your ovulation safely and reliably even if you want to sleep in on the weekend. However, if the delay is more than six hours, you should skip the measurement and continue as usual the next day. Even if you simply forget to take your basal body temperature, this is no problem with Lady-Comp. The fertility monitor simply takes into account failures (1-2 days), so that the forecast for your ovulation remains accurate.

Pleasant and fast measurement

Another advantage of using a fertility monitor like Lady-Comp: the measurement is much more comfortable. Thanks to the cycle monitor it is not necessary for you to insert a thermometer. This can be a problem for some women and sometimes a little painful. Calculating ovulation by means of a practical ovulation calculator, on the other hand, is simple, pleasant, time-saving and can be integrated into your everyday life without any problems. At the same time, the Pearly fertility computer is particularly handy and lightweight - perfect for taking it with you on your travels. After all, if you want to plan a family, you always want to know when you could get pregnant and when not, even on vacation.

By the way: You can only calculate your ovulation - without the help of a fertility monitor - if your cycle is always very regular. If you, like many women, have a rather irregular cycle, it is much more difficult to detect changes yourself. Lady-Comp and Pearly, on the other hand, will reliably predict your ovulation even if you have irregularities again and again.

All advantages of ovulation calculation with Fertility Monitor at a glance:

  • Accurate and reliable calculation of ovulationFast and uncomplicated measurement in a few seconds
  • No need to observe the cervical mucus
  • Forgetting the measurement once is not a problem
  • Measurement tolerance of six hours (+3/-3)
  • Ovulation calculation in case of irregular cycle is possible
  • Easy to read results, which are automatically stored in the cycle monitor
The new Lady-Comp
CHF 549.00

The intelligent fertility tracker shows you your daily fertility status and informative details about your cycle.