Get pregnant

Discover our tips for getting pregnant!

Surely you already know the answer to the question "How to get pregnant": A sperm cell meets an egg cell and fertilizes it. Afterwards, the fertilized egg cell only has to implant in the uterus and a baby will grow in your belly. However, for many couples it is often not as simple as it looks in theory. In many cases, our everyday lives and our fast-paced times make it difficult for us to find enough time for togetherness at all. Long commutes to work, different work schedules or shift work, plus sports or other hobbies, and the time in which a child could be conceived shrinks to just a few hours a week. It becomes even more difficult when there are already one or more children who also need attention and take up some of the precious time. But that is exactly what matters: Time for two without pressure and stress. Time for love. And at exactly the right time, too.

Content overview on the topic of "getting pregnant"


In order for you to better understand why getting pregnant is all about the right timing, we would like to briefly explain what is going on in your body. In a healthy woman with a regular cycle, an egg grows in the ovaries every cycle and is released into the fallopian tube at the time of ovulation. There, with the help of the movements of the fallopian tube and the small hairs located on the inside of the fallopian tubes, the egg continues to travel through the fallopian tube towards the uterus. This journey takes a few days. In the first half of the cycle, while the egg has matured, the uterus has built up its mucous membrane to such an extent that ideal conditions are created for implantation. This is the optimal time for fertilization to take place, because the egg is viable for a maximum of 18 hours. If it is not fertilized by a suitable sperm cell during this period, it dies and is expelled or absorbed by the body with the next menstrual period. However, if fertilization does occur, chances are good that the fertilized egg will implant in the lining of the uterus. If this happens, you are pregnant.

When can you get pregnant?

Perhaps you are like many other women who want to have children. You would like to increase your chances of a quick pregnancy and know as precisely as possible when you are fertile. So if you have often asked yourself the question: "When can I get pregnant?" Lady-Comp might be just the right thing for you. Because calculating your fertile days is not that easy. Let's assume you have a very regular 28-day cycle. Now let's imagine that you usually ovulate on the 14th day of your cycle. In this case, you would be fertile from the 09th to the 14th day of your cycle and could get pregnant through unprotected intercourse. However, this simple calculation only works with absolutely regular cycles and only if you notice your ovulation with absolute certainty. There are only a few women who actually notice when they ovulate. Some have a pulling or stinging sensation in the groin area a few days before or after. But whether this happens at the exact time of ovulation is unclear and cannot be determined for sure without tools - such as an ultrasound at the gynecologist's office. In addition, even in women with regular cycles, ovulation can be delayed at any time. Even without a recognizable cause such as stress or an illness. But even if your cycle is regular and you recognize your ovulation in time: At this point, most of your fertile days for this cycle are already over.

6 days a month

However, since a time window of just 18 hours would very rarely lead to success in nature, nature has come up with something: The male's sperm cells are able to wait for about three to five days in your fallopian tubes for the egg. This results in a time window of about 6 days in each cycle when you can become pregnant. The prerequisite for this is, of course, that you have unprotected sexual intercourse with your partner and at least he comes to orgasm. By the way, it could increase your chances of pregnancy if you also climax. It is said that the contractions of the uterus make it easier for the sperm to reach the egg quickly. However, there are no confirmed studies on this. However, it certainly can't hurt if you also have fun and enjoy your togetherness to the fullest. In general, relaxation, fun and as little stress as possible is a good approach to baby planning.

How to get pregnant with an irregular cycle?

You see, the most important thing for good timing is knowing your next ovulation. Some women with very regular cycles can narrow down this window of time somewhat themselves with a little practice. If you are not in a hurry to get pregnant and generally have rather a lot of time left for love in your daily life, this can also be a good and relaxed method to get pregnant at some point. It is more complicated for all women with a rather stressful everyday life and irregular cycle. Especially the latter is not so rare: Stress, colds, emotional tension or simply a lot of sport can affect your cycle and postpone ovulation or even cause it to stop altogether. But even if your life is completely relaxed, it may be that you simply have a rather irregular cycle. In such phases it is particularly helpful if you can determine ovulation exactly and don't have to rely on guessing and hoping. The Lady-Comp cycle computer can help you to reliably and accurately determine your fertile days even in turbulent times or with a generally irregular cycle.

When can I get pregnant? Lady-Comp shows you!

Our cycle computer Lady-Comp supports you in your natural family planning. Through a simple and quick morning measurement, the proven software calculates your fertile and infertile phases for you. So you know in advance when you should take time for love if you want to get pregnant quickly. But Lady-Comp not only shows you when you can get pregnant, you also learn a lot about your natural, female rhythm through the cycle control. If you are trying to stabilize your cycle in a natural way, you will be able to see from the data of your cycle computer if your cycle changes.

When can a woman get pregnant who is already older?

Basically, there is no difference between the cycle of a woman in her twenties and that of a woman in her thirties or later. So, first of all, the same applies to an older woman as to a younger woman: as long as the cycle is regular and ovulation occurs every time, a woman can get pregnant. Only when ovulation becomes less frequent, because the reserves of eggs are slowly used up or the hormone balance gradually changes due to menopause, does it become fundamentally more difficult. But even in this phase, fertilization and a subsequent successful pregnancy are still possible. If there are no health reasons against it and your doctor has given the green light, you can still look forward to having a baby at the age of 35. However, it may be that timing becomes even more important now, so that the pregnancy works out as soon as possible.

Getting pregnant tips and tricks

We have already told you the trick with the orgasm. But you can use even more tips and tricks to increase your chances of getting pregnant soon. It makes sense that both you and your partner pay attention to a healthy diet. A healthy, well-fed body is the best prerequisite for successful implantation of a fertilized egg. Likewise, for the production of fast and persistent "swimmers", it is good to provide the male body with everything it needs. Moderate exercise can also have a positive effect on procreative power and fertility. But please do not overdo it! Competitive sports can have exactly the opposite effect, as they demand a lot from the body.

Getting pregnant with dietary supplements and natural power

There are numerous powders, dietary supplements, pills and teas that are supposed to positively influence fertility or even the ability to conceive. Please consult your gynecologist to find out what really makes sense. In case of doubt, taking unnecessary dietary supplements and the associated overdose can do you more harm than good. If you have a slightly irregular cycle, your gynecologist will often prescribe monk's pepper. The natural product is said to have a balancing and stabilizing effect on the woman's cycle. But even with natural remedies, it is better to get professional advice from a doctor or alternative practitioner before you spend money unnecessarily in the pharmacy. In the vast majority of cases, everything is fine and the lack of pregnancy has no physical causes.


The new Lady-Comp
CHF 549.00

The intelligent fertility tracker shows you your daily fertility status and informative details about your cycle.



If you are not sure whether you ovulate regularly, our cycle computer Lady-Comp can help you easily, quickly and completely naturally. By measuring your basal body temperature daily, Lady-Comp can detect your ovulation with a very high degree of certainty. The basis for this is the highly sensitive measuring tip and the unique, millionfold proven algorithm of the Lady-Comp software. If there are irregularities in your cycle, you will be the first to know with Lady-Comp.

Our tips for getting pregnant: Discover now!

Would you like a few more tips to help you get pregnant quickly? Many couples, once they have decided to have a baby, want to get pregnant as quickly as possible. Of course we understand that and would like to give you a few tips on how you can increase your chances. The most important tip for getting pregnant is, as already mentioned, timing. On the day of your ovulation, your fertility and the chance of pregnancy are at their highest. You should mark this day red in your calendar and keep it free for some undisturbed togetherness. If you then manage to have sex two or three times within the five days before you ovulate, your chances of conceiving are very good.

When can I get pregnant: The perfect position

Some women swear that they only got pregnant by having sex in the right position. Even if the position has no influence from a medical point of view, it can't hurt to give it a try. The prerequisite is, of course, that you both enjoy the position - because without fun it usually does not work. Ideal positions are those in which your partner can penetrate you as deeply as possible so that the sperm get as close to the cervix as possible. The goal is to relieve them of a little "work" so that they don't have such a long way to go. The same effect should be achieved by lying on your back during orgasm and then putting your legs up and lifting your hips for a few minutes. Gravity is supposed to further support the floaters on their way towards the fallopian tubes. If you feel good about it, just try it out! The riding position, on the other hand, is said to be rather unfavorable, as gravity works against the sperm. But as I said, there are no studies on these theories and in case of doubt, it is still your body and nature that decide whether it works or not.

Getting pregnant with lube? You should pay attention to this

If you use a lubricant gel during sex, you should pay attention to whether it is sperm-friendly. Many lubricants have a negative effect on the swimming ability of the sperm. This is of course very unfavorable if you want to have children. By the way, the same applies to massage oils or bath additives. To get pregnant, "pure nature" is therefore the best option. Now, of course, it may be that you cannot or do not want to omit the lubricant. For this case, special lubricating gels have been developed that are sperm-friendly and sometimes even support the little swimmers.

Up to 6 months waiting time is completely normal!

Important to know: Even in completely healthy couples who have sex regularly at the right time, it often takes several months until the longed-for second strip appears on the pregnancy test. Nature has arranged it so that only healthy, fertilized eggs can implant in the uterus and develop into a baby. It also happens that despite perfect timing, the egg cannot be fertilized. So, if you already know that physically everything is fine with you, you can just sit back and enjoy making love with your partner - especially on your fertile days.

Relaxation is generally a good idea if you want to get pregnant. Stress is one of the biggest fertility killers. Too much stress has a very negative effect on many areas and functions of your body. As paradoxical as it sounds, the stress that some women put on themselves to get pregnant can lead to them not getting pregnant. This may also explain why many couples suddenly succeed when they stop trying. Even if it is naturally easier said than done, you should not take it too hard and enjoy as much as possible the time you still have together without a baby.

If you have been stressing yourself out with calculating your fertile days, Lady-Comp is certainly a noticeable relief for you. Now you only have to take your temperature in the morning and Lady-Comp will do all the calculating for you.

The new Lady-Comp
CHF 549.00

The intelligent fertility tracker shows you your daily fertility status and informative details about your cycle.