Calculate cycle

Calculate cycle: Quick and easy

With our cycle calculators you always know about your cycle.

You want to calculate your cycle to know when you are fertile, when your next period starts or when you can expect your next ovulation? Then our cycle calculators Lady-Comp and Pearly are exactly the right choice for you! Discover the advantages and live in harmony with your body!

Content overview on the topic "Calculate ovulation

Your menstrual cycle: the basis for new life

The female cycle is the basis for new life to grow. Ovulation is the prerequisite for a female egg cell to be fertilized by a male sperm cell. At ovulation, a mature egg cell is transferred from the ovary to the oviduct. If it is fertilized by a sperm in the outer third of the oviduct within a maximum of 18 hours and the fertilized egg subsequently nests in the lining of the uterus, a new life can grow.

In the vast majority of cases, there is only one ovulation per cycle. If, exceptionally, more than one ovulation occurs, it is immediately after the first ovulation. Therefore, as a rule, you are no longer fertile 24 hours after ovulation. However, in addition to the day on which you ovulate, you are also fertile on up to five days beforehand and can become pregnant. This is because the male sperm cells survive that long and can wait for the egg. After ejaculation, it only takes a few minutes for the first sperm to reach your fallopian tubes.

During your menstrual cycle, however, not only does an egg grow, which then "jumps" into the fallopian tube during ovulation, but your uterine lining also prepares itself for a possible pregnancy. With the onset of egg maturation, the uterine lining also begins to build up, so that a few days after ovulation it offers optimal conditions for implantation.

An overview of everything important about your cycle:

  •     Start of cycle = first day of menstruation
  •     1st cycle phase: egg maturation phase, length varies individually
  •     Ovulation / follicle rupture = change between the phases
  •     Oocyte can be fertilized for a maximum of 18 hours
  •     Sperm can wait up to 5 days
  •     Fertility: max. 6 days per cycle
  •     2nd cycle phase: corpus luteum phase for 12-16 days

Calculate your cycle with a thermometer, paper and pencil

If you are concerned with your menstrual cycle, you will be especially interested in your fertile and infertile phases as well as the time of your ovulation and the onset of the next menstrual period. Since the female body changes during the menstrual cycle, you can determine which phase you are in based on these changes. One of the most important changes is the increase of your basal body temperature in the second phase of your cycle.

If you want to calculate your cycle, you basically have two completely different options. First, you can calculate your cycle manually: with a thermometer, pen and paper (or app). In this case, it is up to you to record all data accurately and precisely and to evaluate it correctly according to fixed rules. The second option is to use a cycle computer like Lady-Comp or Pearly.

When calculating your cycle manually, it is important to be very careful and disciplined. First of all, you need a high-quality thermometer that can measure and display your body temperature to two decimal places. You then need to take your temperature rectally or vaginally (always at the same place) every morning at the same time for about five minutes. The result of this measurement is then entered into a temperature curve. Since taking the temperature manually is prone to error, another physical signal is used to accurately determine ovulation. The combination of the temperature method and the examination of another physical signal is called the symptothermal method.

Observing cervical mucus - palpating the cervix

To use the symptothermal method, you need another physical signal that you can observe and evaluate. Many women examine the appearance and consistency of their cervical mucus. This mucus is formed at the cervix and changes during the cycle. During the fertile period it is usually liquid, spinnable and clear like egg white. On the infertile days, it becomes less, is more solid and rather milky. However, these changes vary from woman to woman, so it is important to observe the changes in yourself for a few months first.

Similarly, if you want to observe the changes in your cervix as a second sign. This also looks slightly different in every woman. It is important that you can recognize how it feels in the different phases of your fertility. Usually, on fertile days, the cervix is soft, slightly open and does not protrude very far into the vagina. On infertile days it is firm, closed and deep.

Natural family planning - advantages and disadvantages

Observing your body and calculating your cycle offers you many advantages and brings you closer to your body and your natural female rhythm. If you want to calculate your cycle and thus get to know your body better or manage your family planning in a natural way, this offers you many advantages, but can also bring some difficulties. Below is a brief overview of the advantages and disadvantages of Natural Family Planning (NFP).


  •    100% natural
  •     Better body feeling
  •     Self-determined (love) life


  •     Requires discipline and self-control
  •     Morning measurement always at the same time
  •     Rectal/vaginal measurement may be uncomfortable
  •     Several months of practice necessary
  •     Not suitable for shift work
  •     Difficult with irregular cycles
  •     Risk of errors can cause stress

Symptothermal method for irregular cycles

With the combination of the temperature method and the examination or palpation of cervical mucus and cervix you have a good basis to calculate your cycle. If you have a regular cycle, you can determine infertile days for the time after ovulation (2nd cycle phase) as well as for the first cycle phase. However, it becomes difficult if you have a very irregular or short cycle. In this case, only the period from two days after ovulation until the onset of the next menstrual period is considered infertile. This means that you have a relatively long period for only a few infertile days. Even if you are trying to get pregnant and have an irregular cycle, it will be difficult to predict your fertility with the Symptothermal Method.


The new Lady-Comp
CHF 549.00

The intelligent fertility tracker shows you your daily fertility status and informative details about your cycle.


It could also be a difficulty if your cervical mucus is not evaluable because it is adulterated by an infection or you naturally produce very little mucus. In this case, you will have to resort to palpation of your cervix. But even here there are pitfalls: for some women, the cervix lies very deep in the vagina, so that they can hardly reach it. In most cases, it helps to squat down to palpate the cervix. If you are still unable to palpate the cervix properly - especially on your fertile days - this method is not an option for you.

Cycle computer: Cycle calculation made easy

Our cycle computers Lady-Comp and Pearly offer you a time-saving and comfortable alternative to manual cycle calculation. If you want to live and love hormone-free and in harmony with your natural female rhythm, but shy away from the effort of the symptothermal method, our cycle computers are just right for you! They offer you all the advantages of Natural Family Planning and do most of the work for you.

With Lady-Comp and Pearly you only have to measure your basal body temperature every morning before getting up. The measurement is done comfortably under your tongue and takes only 60 seconds. Afterwards you confirm if you are on your period. That's it! Our cycle computers do the rest for you. Thanks to a unique algorithm proven over decades, Lady-Comp and Pearly can calculate your fertility with a very high accuracy!

After your morning measurement, our cycle computers show you by means of a simple traffic light system whether you are currently fertile or not. In addition, when using our cycle computers, you benefit from a variety of great functions that can make your life easier. Regardless of whether you want to get pregnant right now or wait a little longer to start planning your family, Lady-Comp and Pearly are there to help you. You will see: Calculating your cycle has never been so easy!

Your advantages with Lady-Comp and Pearly

The biggest advantage of our cycle computers is that you no longer have to worry about anything. Even if you don't have a clear head at the moment, are stressed or don't have the time to fill in temperature curves: You always know exactly about your cycle. All you have to do is remember to measure in the morning, which is easy to integrate into a hectic daily routine thanks to the short measuring time.

Our cycle computers provide you with all the information you need for your family planning. In addition to your current fertility, the cycle day and the measured value, you will also be provided with a lot of other information. The 6-day fertility forecast and the ovulation forecast help you to coordinate your love life with your natural rhythm. You can also use the 6-month menstruation forecast to coordinate leisure activities, for example. There are also great additional functions such as an alarm clock, various analyses or the entry of individual data such as sexual intercourse.

If you would like to learn more about your body, you will certainly be interested in the detailed data on the temperature rise in the high position, the average length of the high position or the number of monophase cycles. Especially in the case of an unfulfilled desire to have children, this data can provide your doctor with initial indications of possible reasons.

Calculate your cycle and fulfill your desire to have children

With Lady-Comp we support you in your desire to get pregnant as quickly as possible. For example, you have the possibility to document your sexual intercourse. This way you can check afterwards how well you actually used your chances of getting pregnant and, if necessary, make sure to use more fertile days in the next cycle. Because the most important thing for the onset of pregnancy is the right timing. As you know, you can only get pregnant on a maximum of 6 days per cycle: On the day of your ovulation and up to five days before. However, if your partner's sperm are a little slower or do not survive as long, this period will be shorter. In this case, or even if you are in a hurry, perfect timing is even more important.

Please also keep in mind that even in completely healthy women in their prime, i.e. between 20 and 30 years of age, there is only a 30% chance that pregnancy will occur - even if they have sex on exactly the right days. A waiting period of up to 12 months is therefore still considered perfectly normal by doctors.

Calculate your cycle with cycle computer: fast, easy, accurate

If you want to calculate your cycle and choose Lady-Comp or Pearly, you are choosing a comfortable, fast and 100% natural way. You can rely on a very high accuracy with all our cycle computers. If you want to have a baby, it is important that you know exactly when you are most fertile. And since getting pregnant is all about the right timing, you can significantly increase your chances of getting pregnant quickly.

Lady-Comp and Pearly are also ideal for cycle monitoring during two pregnancies. This way you will know right away when your normal menstrual cycle starts again and you will not be surprised by your first menstruation after giving birth. This is especially important because you can become pregnant again before your first menstruation. Menstruation does not start until ovulation has already taken place again. With our cycle computers you therefore have a natural and reliable way to control your menstrual cycle.

Lady-Comp and Pearlywird calculate your cycle easily, conveniently and accurately!

The new Lady-Comp
CHF 549.00

The intelligent fertility tracker shows you your daily fertility status and informative details about your cycle.