NFP Natural Family Planning

 NFP Natural Family Planning with Method

Enjoy your life: naturally, safely and without side effects!

You may have heard that there are also natural methods of conception planning. Natural family planning, or NFP, is one such method. With the NFP method, you closely monitor your body to determine when you are ovulating and when you are fertile based on the signs it sends you during your cycle. The beauty of this method is not only that you can calculate relatively accurately when your fertile and infertile phases are, but you also learn a lot about your body. Many women who use NFP report that it was only by learning about their individual female rhythms that they found themselves again. Are you curious? If you are open to new methods, want to live hormone-free and naturally, and are willing to invest a little time each day, the NFP method might be just right for you. And if you don't have that much time, our cycle computer Lady-Comp will gladly do much of the work for you.

Overview NFP - Natural Family Planning


Get to know your cycle with NFP!

In order to apply the principles of Natural Family Planning, you must first understand what exactly is going on in your body during your menstrual cycle. A woman's cycle is determined by a finely tuned system of hormones, messenger substances and bodily functions. The most important thing for you is that you only ovulate once in each cycle, usually with only one egg. There are exceptions where two eggs are released into the oviducts shortly after each other, i.e. a few hours apart. However, this is very rare. The normal case is one ovulation per cycle. In women who have an irregular cycle for hormonal or personal reasons, ovulation may be delayed or may not occur at all. However, if we assume the regular case, one ovulation per cycle means that there is a chance or risk of getting pregnant only once per cycle. However, this does not mean that you can only get pregnant on one day per cycle!

Natural family planning: the medical basis

The egg itself remains capable of fertilization for a maximum of 18 hours. If no sperm cell meets it during this time or if none of the sperm cells manage to fertilize the egg, the egg cell dies and is expelled with the next menstrual period. Sperm cells, on the other hand, are able to survive longer: For up to five days, they can wait for the egg in the rush tubes.  This results in a period of about 6 days during which you can become pregnant in each cycle. This period is completely independent of how short or long your cycle is. Even women with a very long cycle can only get pregnant on these 6 days. However, the period can be shortened if your partner's sperm cells are not viable for that long. However, as long as this has not been clearly medically determined, you should assume 6 fertile days per cycle.

The egg itself remains capable of fertilization for a maximum of 18 hours. If no sperm cell meets it during this time or if none of the sperm cells manage to fertilize the egg, the egg cell dies and is expelled with the next menstrual period. Sperm cells, on the other hand, are able to survive longer: For up to five days, they can wait for the egg in the rush tubes.  This results in a period of about 6 days during which you can become pregnant in each cycle. This period is completely independent of how short or long your cycle is. Even women with a very long cycle can only get pregnant on these 6 days. However, the period can be shortened if your partner's sperm cells are not viable for that long. However, as long as this has not been clearly medically determined, you should assume 6 fertile days per cycle.

Discover the clues of your body

But what exactly are the indications that your body gives you so that you can calculate ovulation? First of all, it is important to know that you can only use the NFP method safely if you apply it very meticulously and always evaluate several signals together. The first important signal is your internal body temperature, the so-called basal body temperature. Ideally, this is measured vaginally or rectally in the morning before you get up, using a thermometer that is as precise as possible. It is important that the thermometer shows the temperature to two decimal places. In addition, the measurement should be taken for at least two minutes to obtain an accurate result.

Normal clinical thermometers are therefore usually not sufficient for this purpose, as they only indicate one digit after the decimal point. So you take your temperature lying down every morning before you get up and enter the value in a table or directly on a cycle sheet. If you have done this for a few months, you will see that your temperature always rises by a few tenths of a degree shortly before ovulation. Usually the increase is only between 0.3 and 0.5 degrees Celsius. Since this temperature change alone would not be meaningful, you must make further observations and recordings in order to be able to determine the time of your ovulation with a high degree of accuracy.

NFP: Measure, observe, record, evaluate

As a rule, the second method is the observation of the cervical mucus. The cervical mucus forms at the mouth of your uterus and changes during your cycle. However, this change varies from woman to woman. For many women, it is more viscous, sticky, and rubbery at the time of ovulation. It is said that you can spin threads with it. After ovulation, it becomes thinner again. The amount also increases towards ovulation in most women. Once you have observed the changes in your cervical mucus over several months, you will develop a sense of how it feels and looks on the day you ovulate. For the first few months, it may be useful to also use ovulation tests to determine your ovulation. This way you can match your observations with the results of these hormone tests. Ovulation tests measure a specific hormone that peaks at the time of ovulation.

If on the day of your ovulation you can see both the temperature rise and the clear consistency of your cervical mucus, you are well on your way to planning or avoiding pregnancy in the future using Natural Family Planning methods. However, with this method it is very important that you work very carefully and are disciplined about taking measurements and making observations and keeping careful notes. Does all this seem complicated and time-consuming to you? You are not so wrong.

Advantages of the NFP method

Using the NFP method is completely uncomplicated! Your body remains in its natural rhythm and you do not need to worry about intolerances or health risks (anymore). With the knowledge about your cycle you can plan your love life in a completely natural and carefree way and you can plan a pregnancy or not. This way you keep control over your family planning. The NFP method is very accurate when used correctly and carefully.

In addition, you will gain new insights into the processes of your body and your female cycle through the use of the NFP method. You will soon be able to better interpret and understand the many small signs. At the same time, the knowledge about your menstrual cycle offers you the possibility to better plan your free time. Not only the time you want to spend with your loved one, but also activities such as a visit to the sauna or a trip to the swimming pool can now be adapted to your individual cycle. Because with NFP you not only know when your fertile and infertile phases are, you can also calculate in advance when your next period will start and how long it will last.

Disadvantages of the NFP method

The NFP method requires you to be very disciplined in measuring and writing down your data, month by month. This means that even if things are a bit more stressful or hectic in your life, or you don't feel like measuring and writing down your data for a while, you still have to do it. Because if you don't take the measurements conscientiously and let the method slide, you won't get any usable results. There are women who are very disciplined by nature and for whom such a procedure is very easy. Others, on the other hand, have to remind themselves over and over again to write everything down in detail. If you belong to the latter group, the NFP method may not be the right choice for you. Because even if with a little practice the evaluation of the numbers and data will be easy for you, you must always remain conscientious. If you forget to measure for a few days or neglect to evaluate your cervical mucus, you will not get reliable results. If you are using the method to know your fertile days for baby planning, these lapses are not so bad. However, if you do NOT want to use the NFP method for family planning, carelessness can lead to an unwanted pregnancy.


The new Lady-Comp is the star of our range. It has our concentrated know-how power under the hood and offers friends of natural family planning practically everything their hearts desire.

NFP with Lady-Comp - simple, fast and accurate

Since we know that it is not always easy to measure, write down and evaluate day after day in a disciplined manner, we have developed the Lady-Comp cycle computer for you. Even with Lady-Comp you measure your temperature once a day, but that's it! There is no need to write down and evaluate your temperature, as this is done for you by the software of the cycle computer. Lady-Comp does not need any information about the state of your cervical mucus. Due to the unique and proven algorithm, measuring the basal body temperature is sufficient for a very accurate result. The measurement itself takes only a few moments and can be performed while you are still half asleep. The result of the measurement is displayed directly, so you can concentrate on other things for the rest of your day.

Even if you forget a measurement, with Lady-Comp you always know whether you are on the safe side or not. If in doubt, the intelligent computer will show you a few more days as "unsafe". So if the data is not sufficient for a clear result because you have not measured every morning for a while, Lady-Comp will reliably show you this. In the next cycle, you can then take regular measurements again to ensure that you get the best possible results. With the manual NFP method with pen and paper, on the other hand, you can never be completely sure whether your measurement results are falsified by missed measurements or inaccurate recordings. With Lady-Comp, on the other hand, you can rely on it.

Discover the advantages of Lady-Comp!

Lady-Comp's technology, which has been proven over decades, offers you a very high degree of accuracy. In addition, the morning measurement is particularly fast and convenient: after only 60 seconds, the measurement is completed and your cycle computer shows you the result. Another advantage is that you can comfortably perform the measurement while lying under your tongue. You will see that after a few days you will be able to do it while half asleep! In addition to taking your temperature in the morning, you only have to tell the Lady-Comp cycle computer when you have your period. The unique algorithm of the Lady-Comp software can then calculate your fertility.

Thanks to the simple traffic light system, you always know immediately whether you are fertile or not. In addition, you can also display other interesting information about your cycle directly on your Lady-Comp, such as your temperature curve, your cycle length or the duration of your period. Of course, you can also find out when you are ovulating and when your period should start. If you are planning to get pregnant, Lady-Comp helps you with the right timing without you having to think about it yourself or make complicated calculations. You can also save yourself the perhaps rather unpleasant handling of measuring sticks to determine the hormone levels in your urine with Lady-Comp.

The new Lady-Comp
CHF 549.00

The intelligent fertility tracker shows you your daily fertility status and informative details about your cycle.