NFP Desire for children

NFP - Wanting a baby: Getting pregnant with Natural Family Planning

Discover how Lady-Comp can help you have a baby

With the Lady-Comp and Pearly cycle computers you know day by day whether you are currently fertile. With just a quick temperature reading in the morning, you can significantly increase your chances of getting pregnant. Get to know your cycle and use your knowledge to get a little closer to your baby wish.

Content overview on the topic of NFP - wanting a baby

Help your desire to have children naturally!

You love your life without hormones and now you want to get pregnant naturally? Maybe you have already asked yourself how you can increase your chances of getting pregnant quickly. NFP (Natural Family Planning) is a method of cycle control that can also help you get pregnant. Our Lady-Comp and Pearly cycle computers have been developed on the basis of this method.

The good thing about the female cycle is that it is predictable. The sequence of the individual phases is the same for every woman, even though the length, especially of the first half of the cycle, can vary greatly. In addition, the body sends out various signals that you or a cycle computer can use to recognise which phase you are currently in. And this knowledge is crucial if you want to increase your chances of a quick pregnancy and fulfil your desire to have a child as soon as possible.

When can a woman get pregnant?

As you probably already know, you are most fertile on the day you ovulate. The egg can be fertilised for a maximum of 18 hours after it "jumps" into the fallopian tube. If it is not fertilised during this time, it dies and dissolves. However, this does not mean that you always have to have sex on this exact day to fulfil your desire to have a child. If such precise timing were necessary, humanity would probably already be extinct. So to improve the chances of successful conception, nature has arranged for the sperm to wait in the woman's fallopian tubes for up to five days for the egg. This results in a period of up to six days during which you can become pregnant through unprotected sexual intercourse in each cycle. This period is completely independent of whether you have a short or long menstrual cycle. If you have a very long cycle, you just have to wait longer until your next fertile phase begins.

In order for this to work, even in a rather stressful everyday life, it is important to know when your next fertile phase begins and when you are likely to ovulate. You can use the NFP fertility method for these calculations - or simply use the Lady-Comp cycle computer.

What is NFP - Natural Family Planning?

In Natural Family Planning, you analyse your menstrual cycle using several physical signals and use the knowledge gained to calculate your fertile days. In the classic NFP method, you measure your basal body temperature vaginally or rectally every morning before you get up. The measurement should take at least three minutes and must be taken with a thermometer that shows the temperature to two decimal places. The measured temperature is carefully entered into a temperature curve and the changes in this curve are then evaluated according to fixed rules

Measuring basal body temperature and detecting ovulation

A rise in basal body temperature of about 37,5°F to 41°F gives you an indication of impending ovulation. If you are not in a hurry to get pregnant, this method may be enough for you. However, if you want to know exactly or use the NFP method to avoid pregnancy, another signal from the body must be evaluated. As a rule, the change in cervical mucus is also taken into account. In the course of the cycle, the amount and appearance of the mucus formed at the cervix change. With a little practice, you can also use these changes to draw conclusions about the time of your ovulation.

Manually or with a cycle computer? The choice is yours!

However, in order to get usable data, you must measure consistently every morning and enter and evaluate the data very carefully. Some women have no problem with this, while others find it too much work early in the morning. If you don't want to spend a lot of time measuring, recording and analysing, Lady-Comp and Pearly offer you a comfortable and fast alternative with an accuracy of more than 99%. Thanks to their unique algorithm, our cycle computers can calculate your fertility based on your morning basal body temperature alone. The measurement is taken comfortably and quickly under the tongue, before you get up for the first time.

The new Lady-Comp
CHF 549.00

The intelligent fertility tracker shows you your daily fertility status and informative details about your cycle.

Natural family planning / NFP for those who wish to have children:

  •     100 % natural
  •     Detect ovulation relatively accurately
  •     Get to know your cycle and body better
  •     Morning measurement, at least 3 min (rectal/vaginal)
  •     Examine cervical mucus for exact result
  •     Draw temperature curves and evaluate data
  •     Requires discipline and careful work
  •     Can help you fulfill your desire to have a child
  •     NO accurate prognosis for fertile phases possible

Correct use of NFP for infertility

The difficulty and limitations of the classic NFP method lie in predicting the beginning of your next fertile phase. This is because the records and measurements are used to register the time of your ovulation. However, by the time you realize that you are ovulating, most of your fertile days have already passed. If you have a very regular cycle, you can still use this method to narrow down your fertile phases quite well and at least use the time of ovulation. However, you have to put a lot of effort into this approximate estimate. Therefore, many women who want to have children ask themselves whether the classic NFP method is really the right choice for them. Especially since the daily measuring, logging and evaluating can also stress them out, which basically leads to a rather tense situation.

NFP with Lady-Comp

With our cycle computers you can easily help your baby wish to get off the ground. Both have a fertility preview for the next 6 days and a forecast for the day of the next ovulation. In addition, of course, they show you daily whether you are fertile until midnight or not. So you can be pretty sure that you won't miss a fertile day. Our cycle computers show you your daily fertility status with a very high accuracy.

By knowing your next fertile phase, you can plan time for togetherness in a relaxed way and take away the pressure of "having to" sleep together on exactly one day per cycle. Especially for couples who have not wanted a baby for a long time, this can bring a new kind of relaxation into your love life. At the same time you will learn a lot about your body and your natural female cycle, just like with the classic NFP method. In addition to the above-mentioned functions for fertility display and prognosis, Lady-Comp and Pearly offer you many other great functions such as information about the length of your cycle or your individual temperature curve.

Advantages of Lady-Comp and Pearly:

  •     Measurement in only approx. 60 seconds
  •     Fertility, measured value and cycle day
  •     6 days fertility preview
  •     Ovulation prognosis
  •     Convenient measurement under the tongue
  •     Know already in the morning if you are fertile
  •     Learn about the cycle

If you want to have children: Lady-Comp

Especially for couples who want to have children, we have added further practical functions to our newly launched classic Lady-Comp. It shows you quickly, easily and reliably when you are fertile. Lady-Comp is the ideal support for couples who want to have children and helps you to get pregnant, for example, if you have irregular ovulation, your partner's sperm is short-lived or slower or you have a corpus luteum hypofunction.

The new Lady-Comp
CHF 549.00

The intelligent fertility tracker shows you your daily fertility status and informative details about your cycle.

Desire to have children with an irregular cycle

Women with irregular menstrual cycles often have to wait longer until they have a positive pregnancy test in their hands. The irregularity with which ovulation sometimes occurs earlier or later can be very unsettling for women who desperately want a child. Also, the frustration increases when it does not work again, or ovulation is missed again. Often, over time, a feeling of helplessness arises, since it seems to be a pure game of chance whether one has "caught" the fertile days this time. But this "spinning on the wheel of fortune" does not have to be!

We have developed our cycle computers especially for women with irregular ovulation!

Both our Lady-Comp and Pearly can be used without any problems even with an irregular cycle in order to significantly increase the chances of a quick pregnancy through perfect timing. An irregular cycle makes manual calculation virtually impossible, as there is no discernible pattern to the naked eye. The algorithm in Lady-Comp was developed on the database of millions of female cycles. Several decades of research and development were needed to make it so reliable. So if you've been trying to get pregnant for a while and your irregular ovulation keeps throwing a wrench in your plans, you should definitely take a closer look at our cycle computers.

Pregnancy is taking a long time? Don't stress!

The stress factor plays a special role in the desire to have children. Whether it is due to your job, family disagreements or the desire to have a baby itself: Stress can prevent conception!

Of course, the more stressful and persistent the situation, the more likely this is to be the case. A short, strenuous project at work that you enjoy is unlikely to have much effect on your desire to have a child. Whereas months of bullying from colleagues can have a negative impact on more than just your fertility. If you suffer from severe stress, you should try to get to the bottom of the causes. Most of the time, we create a large part of the stress we feel ourselves. Think about whether a dust-free apartment, the perfect diet or the dream body is really so important - at the latest when your baby arrives, the priorities will shift anyway.

Dissolve stress with relaxation

You can also balance stress with positive, relaxing moments. Try to incorporate these into your daily routine as often as possible and simply listen to your gut feeling: what is right is what is good for you! This can be a good book in the bathtub as well as a climbing tour or a fun evening with your girls.

If you are really stressed about finally getting pregnant, it might help to take some time out in which you consciously put the topic of "wanting a child" on hold and just take care of yourself and your partner. Many couples report that things suddenly worked out when they took a more relaxed approach.

Lady-Comp shows you when you are pregnant!

If you use Lady-Comp to increase your chances of pregnancy, you can also use your cycle computer as a "pregnancy test". If you use the device continuously, it will show you from about day 15 after conception that you may be pregnant. After 18 days you will be shown a probable pregnancy. This function is possible because the increase in basal body temperature is permanent when pregnancy occurs, which means that throughout your pregnancy your basal body temperature will be slightly higher than normal.

Of course, the display of your Lady-Comp or Pearly does not replace a visit to the gynecologist. Only the confirmation by blood test or ultrasound can clearly determine a pregnancy.

10 tips for a quick conception

In order to make your wish for a child come true as soon as possible, we have put together our 10 tips for a quick pregnancy. By the way, most of the tips also apply to your partner!

  •     Calculate fertile days
  •     Sex at ovulation and on the days before
  •     Enjoy sex: An orgasm can't hurt!
  •     Healthy and balanced food
  •     Moderate sport / daily exercise
  •     As little stress as possible
  •     Do not smoke / do not take drugs
  •     Drink little or no alcohol
  •     Make sure you get enough restful sleep
  •     Enjoy love and life!

Our first tip is by far the most important! It doesn't matter whether you use NFP for your desire to have a child or whether you use our practical and time-saving cycle computer - the knowledge about your current fertility is the really decisive factor for your desire to have a baby. With this knowledge and enough time for togetherness on the "important" days, you certainly won't have to wait much longer to carry a child under your heart.

We keep our fingers crossed for you and are happy to answer any questions you may have about our cycle computers!

The new Lady-Comp
CHF 549.00

The intelligent fertility tracker shows you your daily fertility status and informative details about your cycle.