Caya Diaphragm

CHF 49.90

Product is available - Delivery time: 1-3 days*

Caya - easy, natural, safe and hormone-free

Caya offers you the possibility of practicing self-determined, hormone-free birth control only when needed. For this, you simply insert Caya into your vagina, just like a tampon, before sexual intercourse and place it in front of the cervix.

The Caya diaphragm protects you in three ways: The silicone membrane as well as the cellulose of the contraceptive gel create physical barriers while the acidic pH value deactivates sperm cells in addition. When used correctly, the Caya diaphragm offers you a very good means of birth control.

Caya is ideal for all women who ...

  • do not want to or cannot use hormonal methods.
  • do not want to or may not use an IUD.
  • do not want to take hormones while breastfeeding.
  • only want to use a contraceptive as needed.
  • are looking for a contraceptive for the time after the birth of their baby.
  • want to practice uncomplicated natural birth control between two pregnancies.
  • have a partner with latex allergy.

Design of the Caya diaphragm

Caya has an anatomical, oval shape that fits the majority of women – therefore, Caya does not have to be adjusted by a doctor, and it is available in one size. The very thin and highly flexible silicone membrane ensures that neither you nor your partner will feel Caya when having sex. The rim gives the diaphragm the necessary stability; at the same time, it is so flexible that you can insert and remove the diaphragm easily. The integrated grip dimples on the rim and the practical removal dome make the application even easier. A palpable center point allows a better positioning of the diaphragm after inserting it.

Application of the Caya diaphragm

Before inserting the diaphragm, place some Caya Gel into the cervical cup and onto the external rim. Now you can fold up Caya and insert it into your vagina, just like a tampon. When it reaches the back, it will unfold and should be positioned between the posterior vaginal vault and the niche of the pubic bone. The cervix is then completely covered. With a little practice, inserting and checking the correct positioning will be easy for you.

After usage, the diaphragm can be easily cleaned with soap and water.

Please note that the Caya diaphragm can only prevent a pregnancy if you apply it according to the manufacturer’s specifications and ALWAYS combine it with a suitable contraceptive gel such as Caya Gel.

Further information on application, cleaning, and storage can be found in the instruction manual included in the scope of delivery.



  • Caya Diaphragm
  • Instruction for use
  • DVD
  • Case for storage


Caya Diaphragm
CHF 49.90

With the Caya diaphragm, you can use safe, and 100% hormone-free contraception.