Symptothermal method

Symptothermal Method: Measure, Draw, Evaluate

Find out what your body tells you about your fertility!

The Symptothermal Method is one of the methods of Natural Family Planning and allows you to determine your fertility yourself. This way you can plan a pregnancy or not, just as it suits your current life plan. And if you like, our cycle computer will support you.

Content overview of the Symptothermal Method

Symptothermal method - the basics

The female menstrual cycle can vary greatly from woman to woman. Nevertheless, there are similarities in the course and sequence of the individual cycle phases that can be measured and that allow conclusions to be drawn about your current fertility. Basically, it is important to know that you can only become pregnant through sexual intercourse on a maximum of six days per cycle. This is on the day of your ovulation and a maximum of five days before. Your eggs can be fertilized for a maximum of 18 hours after ovulation, but your partner's sperm can wait for your egg in your fallopian tubes for two to five days. So if you know when this fertile phase is within your cycle, you can avoid pregnancy in a completely natural way or even bring it about in a targeted way.

One possible method you could use to determine your fertile phases is the Symptothermal Method. The most important basis for this method is the cyclical fluctuations of the basal body temperature within your menstrual cycle. You can measure these fluctuations and evaluate them according to fixed rules. The information from the evaluations then gives you an indication of the time of your ovulation, so that you can narrow down your fertile days. To ensure that this works with a high degree of accuracy and that fluctuations do not lead to misinterpretations, the Symptothermal Method combines the temperature method with the Billings method. With the Billings method, you observe and examine the condition of your cervical mucus and, if necessary, your cervix. This is because cervical mucus and cervix also show significant changes during your menstrual cycle, which can give you an indication of your ovulation.

Female cycle at a single glance:

  •     Only one ovulation per menstrual cycle
  •     Egg can be fertilized for a maximum of 18 hours
  •     Sperm cells can wait up to 5 days
  •     A maximum of 6 fertile days per cycle
  •     Basal body temperature rises shortly after ovulation
  •     Cervical mucus and cervix change
  •     Changes can be measured/observed

Temperature method: measuring, drawing, evaluating.

Crucial for the application of the temperature method is the correct, morning measurement of the basal body temperature. This changes during the cycle and rises by a few tenths of a degree shortly after ovulation. This temperature rise divides the menstrual cycle into a high and a low. By measuring and recognizing this rise, you can determine the time of your ovulation relatively accurately. If ovulation has been clearly identified, the period from the day after ovulation until the onset of the next menstrual period is considered infertile. For very regular cycles with a cycle length of at least 27 days, additional infertile days may be added at the beginning of the new cycle. For particularly short or long cycles, there are separate rules that must always be strictly followed to safely determine the fertile and infertile phases.

Challenges of the temperature method

To use the temperature method safely, you need a very accurate thermometer that can measure and display to two decimal places. This is especially important because it is the only way to measure basal body temperature correctly and thus to accurately detect the slight changes in temperature. The measurement should be taken at the same time in the morning if possible and always before getting up for the first time. In order for the basal body temperature to be recorded accurately, a rectal or vaginal measurement over a measurement period of five minutes is required.

Sufficient, restful night's sleep is important when using the temperature method: interrupted nights, alcohol consumption or medication intake can falsify the results. Also, if you work shifts or very short nights, the measurement is no longer meaningful.

Determine ovulation with temperature curve

After measuring, the result should be entered very carefully into a temperature curve (analog or digital). Depending on the method used, the temperature curves are evaluated according to fixed rules. The decisive factor is always the recognition of the temperature rise shortly after ovulation: If the permanent rise in basal body temperature can be determined correctly, it is possible to determine the day of ovulation retrospectively. With all methods, the second half of the cycle is considered infertile, so that contraceptives can be dispensed with during this period or, if you wish to have a child, these days cannot lead to pregnancy. Depending on the length of the cycle, you can assume 8 to 13 infertile days in the second half of the cycle. With very regular cycles, 5 to 10 infertile days can be added in the first half of the cycle. How exactly the temperature curve is evaluated depends on the method you choose. There are methods that are very strict and are particularly suitable for women who want to have the lowest possible risk of pregnancy, and there are methods that are more aimed at women who want to have children and therefore have a different focus in the evaluation.

Billings method: Get to know your body!

However, since the temperature method is too error-prone as the sole method of pregnancy prevention, even when used correctly, it is combined with the Billings method in the Symptothermal Method. With the Billings method, you observe the cyclical changes in your cervical mucus and/or your cervix. Due to the influence of hormones, not only your basal body temperature changes during your menstrual cycle, but also the consistency and appearance of your cervical mucus. The cervix also feels different during your fertile phases than on your infertile days.

With a little practice in observation and adherence to fixed evaluation rules, you can deduce the time of ovulation from your observations.

How your cervical mucus changes

The changes in cervical mucus during your menstrual cycle serve to allow sperm to enter your uterus at the right time. On your infertile days, the cervical mucus is thick, firm, milky and closes your cervix. The amount is also rather small and not much of it will be visible. As your fertile days approach, your cervical mucus becomes more fluid. On the day of ovulation, it often has a "spinnable" consistency and the translucent color of egg white. In this state, sperm with sperm cells can easily swim through it and pass through the cervix into your uterus and from there into your fallopian tubes. On the infertile days of your menstrual cycle, this movement within your reproductive organs is made more difficult by the consistency and nature of the cervical mucus.

In order to be able to draw conclusions about your fertility from the appearance of your mucus, you must observe the individual changes in yourself for at least three months. Even if there are similarities in the appearance and consistency of the cervical mucus, the exact appearance and also the type and strength of the changes are different for every woman. So it's important that you learn how your cervical mucus feels and looks on your fertile days and when you ovulate. And you can only find this out by observing and logging over several menstrual cycles.

Palpating the cervix - this is how it's done!

It is similar when you palpate and evaluate your cervix: Every woman's cervix looks and feels a little different. Therefore, it is important that you familiarize yourself with your cervix in peace and quiet. Only in this way will you be able to recognize the changes in position and condition. A comfortable position for examination and sufficient time are important prerequisites for this. If you are pressed for time in the morning, you will probably not be able to recognize the subtle changes in position and condition.

Basically, you should only opt for the symptothermal method if you are willing to take your time and regularly examine your body over a long period of time.

So how does the cervix change during the female menstrual cycle? In order for the sperm to pass from the vagina to the uterus on the fertile days, the cervix opens a little, becomes softer and more elastic. With practice, you can feel this change. Note, however, that this change can also be less pronounced. The position of the cervix also changes: the closer you get to ovulation, the more the cervix moves upwards and protrudes less far into the vagina. You may even find it difficult to feel it. In this case, it often helps to squat down to reach it.

Symptothermal method: combination of measurement and observation.

Please note that the Billings method is not suitable as a stand-alone method! In combination with the temperature method, however, it offers you a high level of safety as a symptothermal method - provided you have experience in its use and evaluation. It is up to you whether you decide to combine the temperature method with the palpation of your cervix or with the examination of your cervical mucus. With practice, both methods are equally safe. Just note that you cannot perform the cervical mucus examination if you have very little mucus or if it cannot be evaluated, for example, due to discharge caused by an illness.

Symptothermal method: accuracy

If the temperature method is combined with the Billings method as just described, the result is a high degree of accuracy.

Due to its high accuracy, the Symptothermal Method is also very well suited to induce a pregnancy in case of an existing desire to have a child. Since getting pregnant is all about the right timing, knowing your fertile phases can help you get pregnant quickly and naturally.

Advantages and disadvantages of the symptothermal method.

A prerequisite for accuracy is a very careful, disciplined procedure that involves precise observation, note-taking and evaluation. Self-critical questioning of possible disturbing factors such as alcohol or drugs is also part of the application of this method. At the same time, this method of Natural Family Planning also offers the chance to learn a lot about your own body and the female menstrual cycle.

If you are a very disciplined person by nature and are willing to take the necessary time to learn and apply this method, the Symptothermal Method could be the right solution for you. If, on the other hand, your everyday life is rather determined by irregularities, hectic and stress and you are not quite as disciplined, you might prefer to switch to a simpler, time-saving alternative: Such as our cycle computers Lady-Comp and Pearly.

Advantages of the Symptothermal Method

  •     Natural family planning in harmony with your body
  •     High accuracy with correct use
  •     You get to know your body!

Disadvantages of the Symptothermal Method

  •     Requires a high degree of self-discipline
  •     At least three months of practice required
  •     High accuracy only through abstinence on fertile days
  •     Relatively high expenditure of time for possibly only 8 infertile days
  •     Difficulty with irregular/short cycles
  •     Not well suited for shift work/ too little night sleep

Natural family planning with modern technology

You would like to combine the advantages of the symptothermal method with a comfortable and time-saving application? Then our cycle computers, Lady-Comp and Pearlygenau are the right choice for you!

We want you to be able to plan your family in a completely natural way and in harmony with your female menstrual cycle, without having to spend a lot of time. Lady-Comp and Pearly work with a unique algorithm, proven over decades, which allows them to calculate your current fertility based only on your morning basal body temperature.

You benefit from a very high accuracy!

All you have to do is to measure your basal body temperature with Lady-Comp or Pearly simply and comfortably under your tongue every morning before getting up. The measurement takes only 30 to 60 seconds and the result is displayed directly after the measurement. It couldn't be easier and faster!


The new Lady-Comp
Until 23.3.2025

The intelligent fertility tracker shows you your daily fertility status and informative details about your cycle.


Lady-Comp: fast, simple and reliable

For the development of the software that works in Lady-Comp and Pearly, more than five million female cycles were recorded and evaluated. This huge database - in combination with a sophisticated algorithm - forms the heart of our cycle computers. In addition, they have a highly sensitive measuring tip that enables accurate measurement in the shortest possible time. The measurement can therefore be taken comfortably under the tongue - a possibly unpleasant rectal or vaginal measurement is not necessary.

With Lady-Comp and Pearly you can also dispense with monitoring your cervical mucus, palpating your cervix and measuring hormone levels in your morning urine. These measures are only necessary with the traditional symptothermal method, but not with our modern cycle computers!

Advantages of Lady-Comp and Pearly:

  •     Very high accuracy
  •     Flexible: 6 hours time window (+3/-3)
  •     Fast: measurement in only about 60 seconds
  •     Comfortable: Measurement under the tongue
  •     Easy: Display colors show you your fertility
  •     Practical: Fertility preview and ovulation forecast

Family planning made easy!

Even without the daily examination of cervical mucus and cervix, you will learn a lot about the processes in your body and your cycle with Lady-Comp and Pearly. Our cycle computers not only show you your current fertility, but also inform you about numerous other interesting details, such as the average length of the peak period, the fluctuation of ovulation in days or the number of monophase cycles. If you have problems getting pregnant or feel that something is wrong with your cycle, this data can give your gynecologist some initial clues.

With Lady-Comp and Pearly you can enjoy the advantages of Natural Family Planning without the time-consumption of the classic Symptothermal Method. This makes our cycle computers ideal for all women who want to live and love in harmony with their female cycle, but do not have the time to deal with the signs of their fertility on a daily basis. Thanks to fertility and menstruation prognosis, you always have your cycle in view with Lady-Comp and Pearly.

This way you can align your daily routine with your natural rhythm. Simple, accurate and 100% natural!


The new Lady-Comp
Until 23.3.2025

The intelligent fertility tracker shows you your daily fertility status and informative details about your cycle.