Caya Contraceptive Gel

Basic price 25,00 /100g

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Product available - Delivery time: 3-5 days.*

Caya Gel - the ideal complement to the Caya diaphragm

Only the combination of both diaphragm and gel gives you a reliable contraceptive.

Before inserting the diaphragm, Caya Gel is to be applied generously into the cervical cup and onto the external rim of the diaphragm.

When used correctly and given the right positioning of the diaphragm, the cellulose of Caya Gel creates another physical barrier in front of your cervix. At the same time, the acidic pH value of the gel ensures that sperm cells are deactivated.

Combining the barrier effect of the diaphragm’s silicone membrane with the double effect of the gel, the Caya diaphragm and Caya Gel offer you a highly reliable triple protection.



  • Caya contraceptive gel (60g)
  • Applicator

Caya Gel ingredients:

  • lactic acid
  • sodium lactate
  • methyl cellulose
  • sorbic acid
  • water
Caya Contraceptive Gel
Basic price 25,00 /100g

Caya Gel is a highly effective contraceptive gel based on lactic acid. It is the ideal complement to the Caya diaphragm.