Frequently Asked Questions

General questions

What do Lady-Comp´s/Pearly´s display colors mean?
Will my displayed fertility status be correct while I am taking medication?
Does illness reduce the reliability of the device?
What do I do when I stop using Lady-Comp/Pearly?
How long until Lady-Comp/Pearly knows my personal cycle?
Should I keep measuring after a vaccination?
I am travelling to a different time zone. What do I have to bear in mind?
How often should I take my temperature?
Can I share Lady-Comp/Pearly with a friend?
How does Lady-Comp/Pearly work?
Does Lady-Comp/Pearly come with all the necessary accessories?
I am currently taking the pill. How can I change to Lady-Comp/Pearly in this case?
Which medication can influence my measurements?
What happens if I miss a measurement?
When can I start to rely on Lady-Comp´s/Pearly´s results?
Do alcohol or smoking influence the measurement?
Can I continue to use the non-hormonal IUD?

Questions about my cycle

My cycle fluctuates. What happens if my cycle is longer/shorter than normal length?
What if I am not getting my period?
When should we see a doctor if we do not achieve pregnancy?
Does my diet affect my cycle?
My cycle is irregular. Can I still use Lady-Comp/Pearly?
What are some of the typical things that can influence the measurements?
Do common pain medications (such as Ibuprofen, Naproxen, Paracetamol, ACC) have an influence on my basal temperature?

Technical questions & Troubleshooting

What does it mean when a question mark appears on the start screen?
Can my measurements get lost?
How can I clean and disinfect Lady-Comp/Pearly?
Where can I order spare parts (cable, sensor, etc.)?
I dropped my Lady-Comp/Pearly. What should I do?
Is it possible that my temperature rises too sharply?
My temperature rises just ever so slightly. What does it mean?
Do hot weather or air conditioning have an influence on the measurement?
Where can I check the battery charge level?
How long is the battery life?
Lady-Comp/Pearly didn't take my temperature. What do I have to do?
The measuring sensor of my Lady-Comp is broken. What should I do?
What type of battery will I need for Lady-Comp/Pearly?

How do I use Lady-Comp/Pearly?

Do I have to measure at the same time every day?
Can I use Lady-Comp/Pearly during breastfeeding?
Is it possible to delete individual measurements?
How can I check my fertility status later in the day?
How do I switch Lady-Comp/Pearly off?
Should I also use Lady-Comp/Pearly during my period?
I am slowly approaching menopause. Can I still use Lady-Comp/Pearly?
Where do I measure?
When can I start using Lady-Comp/Pearly?
Can I measure multiple times per day?
How do I activate Lady-Comp before the first measurement?
I missed a couple of measurements. What should I do?
How do I know when I am fertile?
How long does it take to measure?
How can I edit menstruation input retroactively?
My sleeping intervals are irregular (rotating work shifts, sleeping in, etc).: Is Lady-Comp/Pearly also suited for me?
I had a sleepless night. Can I still rely on Lady-Comp/Pearly?
I have to get up frequently during the night because I have a baby. Can I use Lady-Comp/Pearly even with little sleep?
I want to start using Lady-Comp/Pearly after a pregnancy. What do I do?
What is the best way to measure?