Unfulfilled desire to have children

Fertility disorder: Problems with fertility?

Lady-Comp shows you whether everything is going well in your cycle!

Those who suffer from a fertility disorder usually have problems getting pregnant. A fertility monitor can help here, as it detects irregular ovulation and shows when the fertile days occur on which you can become pregnant. We explain how you can increase your chances of getting pregnant.

Content overview on the topic of fertility disorders

Detecting fertility problems with a cycle computer

Many women who wish to have a baby, but simply do not get pregnant even after numerous attempts, are in most cases suffering from a fertility disorder. At the same time, some of those affected know about their problems, while others can't explain why they can't fulfill their dream. This makes it all the more important to know about one's fertility disorder and to know one's own cycle in detail. A fertility monitor such as Lady-Comp or Pearly can help here, telling you which phase of your cycle you are currently in, when you can expect your fertile days and when ovulation occurs. In this way, you can also detect disturbances in your cycle phases and possibly have them treated.

This is what is meant by a fertility disorder

Normally, you are fertile for six days during your cycle and can become pregnant. On the sixth day, your body releases an egg, which can then be fertilized by a sperm for six to 18 hours. However, since sperm survive in your body for up to five days, there is a possibility that a sperm will fertilize the egg on the sixth day, even if sexual intercourse with your partner was a few days ago. Women who suffer from a fertility disorder have - in general - a disorder of fertility, which can lead to the fact that they can get pregnant only with difficulty or in the worst case not at all. The reason for this can be, for example, the ovaries, whose function is impaired. This means that they do not expel an egg or do not do so regularly. As a result, fertilization cannot occur and you cannot become pregnant.

Other factors that can lead to infertility are a change in the mucus in the lining of the uterus, which makes it difficult for the fertilized egg to implant, and a transport disorder in the fallopian tubes. The so-called corpus luteum hypofunction can also make it difficult or impossible for you to become pregnant. In this case, the corpus luteum is insufficiently developed after ovulation. The corpus luteum is responsible for preparing the lining of the uterus for implantation of the egg. If this does not take place, pregnancy cannot occur. In fact, luteal hypofunction, also known as luteal insufficiency, is considered the most common cause of an unfulfilled desire to have a child.

Here are all the possible causes of infertility at a glance (in relation to women):

  • Your ovulation is irregular.
  • Your ovulation does not take place at all.
  • The mucus of the uterine lining is altered and prevents implantation.
  • There is a transport disturbance in your fallopian tubes.
  • You suffer from hypothyroidism, which in turn prevents implantation in the uterine lining.

How to find out if you are suffering from a fertility disorder

In order to find out whether you are actually suffering from a fertility disorder, you should first of all know your cycle and the processes in your body. Here it is advisable to use a cycle monitor such as Lady-Comp or Pearly, because it shows you daily in which phase of your cycle you are currently.

If the display is green, this means that you are not fertile and therefore cannot get pregnant. If the display is red, you are in the middle of your fertile days. And if the computer shows you a yellow light, it means that it is not yet possible to say for sure whether you are fertile today or not. This may be the case if you are using your cycle monitor for the very first time or if the fertility computer has to get to know your cycle first.

After some time, however, yellow will be displayed less and less often, if at all. In addition to your fertile days, you can also calculate and display your ovulation. In this way, you can quickly find out whether you ovulate regularly at approximately the same time or whether it may even fail from time to time or not occur at all. If this is the case, you should already assume a fertility disorder. But keep in mind: If you suspect that you are suffering from a fertility disorder - for example, because you don't want to have a baby - you should see a doctor for advice.

Your fertility computer will therefore show you

  • whether you are currently fertile or not
  • when your fertile days will start
  • when you will ovulate
  • when you can expect your period
  • whether you are already pregnant

Always keep an eye on your cycle

If you suspect that you are suffering from a fertility disorder, it is best to use Lady-Comp, because this cycle monitor focuses entirely on your desire to become pregnant and is specially designed for women who have had difficulties in fulfilling their dream of having a baby, which in turn may be due to a possible fertility disorder. Like Pearly, the computer shows you daily whether you are fertile or not and when you can expect to ovulate. In addition, you have the possibility to track your cycle 360 days back and thus determine how regularly - or irregularly - your ovulation starts. It also tells you the fluctuation of your ovulation in days. And: Lady-Comp can show you whether you are suffering from hypothyroidism, which can also be responsible for a fertility problem.

Fertility problems in men

If you use your fertility monitor every day and after several observed cycles you find that you ovulate regularly and the doctor has also ruled out other disorders, it is of course also possible that your partner is suffering from a fertility disorder. This is the case, for example, if his sperm are too slow and simply do not make it to the egg in time. It can also happen that the sperm are not long-lived enough and have already disappeared by the time you ovulate. In that case, you can use your fertility monitor to find out when exactly the day of your ovulation is and then sleep with your partner. This increases the probability that the short-lived sperm will reach the egg, which in turn increases the chance of getting pregnant.

The sperm quality of the man plays a big role.

In the case of an unfulfilled desire to have children, the infertility of the man plays a role just as often as that of the woman.

Harmful environmental influences, for example pollutants and pesticides, as well as an unhealthy lifestyle with overweight or underweight, stress and nicotine/drug/alcohol consumption affect the fertility of men and women equally.

However, gender differences are found in the physical causes:

When an infertile man is given a semen examination (spermiogram), it is often diagnosed that too few healthy, well-moving sperm are produced.
Normally, each milliliter of sperm fluid (ejaculate) contains at least 15 million sperm. This is one of the prerequisites for making babies. It is not only the quantity of sperm that is important, but also the quality: at least 58% of the sperm must be alive, at least 32% must be well motile, and at least 4% must be normal in shape.

Infertility is a difficult diagnosis and a strain on the relationship, whether it is in the man or the woman. For the decision to undergo fertility treatment, both should be in agreement and want to walk the path together. In this special time it needs many open conversations, understanding for each other and patience.

Fast and accurate measurement of your basal body temperature

Don't worry: The fertility monitor has a measurement tolerance of about six hours (+3/-3). This means that if you want to sleep longer or work in shifts, you can still take a measurement three hours after your typical measurement time without this having a negative impact on the reliability of the results. In addition, Lady-Comp and Pearly have built-in alarms that remind you when it's time to take your basal body temperature again. Whenever you are about to ovulate, your basal body temperature rises by a few fractions, while it drops back to its normal level when your period starts. In this way, Lady-Comp and Pearly require only one temperature measurement. Other factors, such as the consistency of your cervical mucus or your hormone balance, do not need to be recorded. The cycle computer is considered to be particularly reliable. Even with very irregular cycles, the computer is able to make accurate forecasts because it works according to sophisticated algorithms that are based on the cycle data of numerous women.

What you should pay attention to when using the fertility monitor:

  • Measure your basal body temperature at about the same time every day.
  • Take your temperature after waking up and before getting up.
  • Do not skip taking your temperature for more than two days at a time.
  • Make sure you have slept three to four hours at a time before taking your temperature.

Finding out about a fertility disorder without a cycle computer

If you want to find out whether you are suffering from a fertility disorder without a fertility monitor, this is theoretically possible, but very time-consuming. First of all, you have to find out whether and how regularly you ovulate. You also need to know your basal body temperature. Measure it daily at the same time so that you have comparable values. To do this, take a thermometer, but it should never be a classic clinical thermometer. Instead, you need a very precise model that shows your basal body temperature to two decimal places. Once you have measured it, write it down and draw a temperature curve that shows you an overview of the change in basal body temperature. But that's not all, because unlike the fertility monitor, you need other values to determine ovulation and fertile days.

Therefore, get yourself additional test strips with which you can measure your hormone balance. You hold these in your urine to find out which hormones are present in your body and in what quantity. You should also try to palpate your cervix and observe your cervical mucus. If its consistency or color changes, this is a sign that you are in a certain phase of your cycle. Recognizing to what extent the cervical mucus changes, however, requires some experience and concentration. As you can see, it is much easier and less stressful to use a cycle monitor such as Lady-Comp and Pearly to determine a fertility disorder.

Here we have summarized at a glance which advantages the fertility computer offers you in contrast to manual measurement:

  • fast measurement within 60 seconds
  • accurate, reliable measurement
  • no further values necessary
  • no observation of cervical mucus necessary
  • no palpation of the cervix necessary
  • measurement tolerance of six hours (+3/-3)
  • forgetting the measurement once is not a problem
  • Fertility computer is small and light and therefore perfect for traveling


Increase your chances of having a baby - with the help of the fertility monitor.

Of course, suffering from a fertility disorder doesn't necessarily mean that you can't get pregnant. If your ovulation is irregular, it is even more important to know when this is the case - especially if you want to have a baby. Therefore, use your fertility monitor regularly and find out when you are in your fertile days and when you can expect your next ovulation. If you have sexual intercourse with your partner during this time, your chances of getting pregnant will also increase. Make the most of this time and don't let it pass - especially if your ovulation is very rare and you therefore only have a few chances of fulfilling your desire to have a baby.

Why you should know about a fertility disorder even if you do not want to have a baby

You don't want to get pregnant at the moment? Then you should also know about any fertility disorders. For example, you might want to have a baby in the next few years and it is important for your life planning to know whether you could have a baby at all. In addition, you should also know about the processes in your body in general. After all, a fertility disorder always means that something in your body is not working as it should.

Get to know your body better!

The fertility monitor shows you your cycle phases and helps you to better understand and get to know yourself and your body. This is especially important if you have a particularly irregular cycle and it is difficult to find out your fertile days manually. This method is also suitable for very young women who still need to get used to the changes in their body and develop a feeling for them. If you suffer from irregular periods and never know when to expect a bleed, the cycle computer can show you when your period starts - and when it might stop.

You can also use Lady-Comp and Pearly for Natural Family Planning (NFP). Thanks to the natural measuring method, you can feel your body in an unadulterated way.

The intelligent fertility tracker shows you your daily fertility status and informative details about your cycle.