
NFP Natural Family Planning with Method

Enjoy your life naturally!

You may have heard that there are also natural methods to plan conception. The natural family planning, short NFP, is such a method. With the NFP method, you watch your body very closely to determine when you are ovulating and when you are fertile based on the signs it sends you during your cycle. The beauty of this method is not only that you can calculate relatively accurately when your fertile and infertile phases are, but you also learn a lot about your body. Many women who use NFP report that they have only found themselves again by dealing with their individual female rhythm. Are you curious?

Read all about NFP Natural Family Planning now.


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Your menstrual cycle: foundation for new life

Learn everything about the duration and the course of the female cycle here

The menstrual cycle of women is one of the most complex hormonally controlled processes in our body. A multitude of body processes are involved in this fascinating cycle, which is the prerequisite for new life. Find out everything about the duration and course of your menstrual cycle in our guide!

Read everything about the menstrual cycle now.


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Fertility: prerequisite for new life

Determine your fertility and fulfill your desire to have children

You want to finally get pregnant but doubt your fertility? We show you what fertility actually means and how you can quickly and easily determine your fertility status. With this knowledge and the right timing you can significantly increase your chances of pregnancy!

Read everything about fertility now.


More content on the topic Fertility:

Easily calculate your ovulation

Calculate fertile days - quick and easy

Calculate ovulation: This is how you determine your ovulation!

Fertility Monitor: Your cycle always in view

Fertility disorder: Problems with fertility?


Pregnancy: How do I get pregnant?

Discover our tips for getting pregnant!

Surely you already know the answer to the question "How to get pregnant": A sperm cell meets an egg cell and fertilizes it. Afterwards, the fertilized egg cell only has to implant in the uterus and a baby will grow in your belly. However, for many couples it is often not as simple as it looks in theory. In many cases, our everyday lives and our fast-paced times make it difficult for us to find enough time for togetherness at all. Long commutes to work, different work schedules or shift work, plus sports or other hobbies, and the time in which a child could be conceived shrinks to just a few hours a week. It becomes even more difficult when there are already one or more children who also need attention and take up some of the precious time. But that is exactly what matters: Time for two without pressure and stress. Time for love. And then also at exactly the right time.

Read everything about pregnancy now.

Baby planning

The desire to have your own child is a primal need of many people. For them, having children means happiness, love and fulfillment in their lives. What can you do to give your baby the best possible start in life?

Read all about baby planning now.

The intelligent fertility tracker shows you your daily fertility status and informative details about your cycle.